Drug dictionary Free


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“Drug Dictionary Free” lookup information concerning drugs and is a free app to look up information about drugs in life, are classified into different groups, each drug will have use, composition, pharmacology, indications and contraindications of it separately. In addition, the application will provide manual dosage, side effects of drugs in circulation today.App "Drug Dictionary Free" What gives?- Collect all the drugs being used in the world today.- Classification of drugs in groups with full details: the manufacturer, registration number, ingredients, content, pharmacology, components, specify, drug interactions, effects phu.v.v.- Search function for name and number of drugs registered, according to each attribute of the drug.- You can mark your name drugs commonly used- The interface is easy to use and good-looking
The main module of the app "Drug Dictionary Free":1. The classification of drugs  - Name drugs, overview  - Side effects, dosage, patient advice, warnings, contraindications2. Conditions drugs  - The name of the drug, medical guidance, refer patients, patient care, emergency care, hospital discharge care, inpatient care3. DRUG  - Name and detailed drug group4. International Pharmacology  - Name and detailed pharmacological5. OTC drugs  - Name and details OTC6. Natural Medicines  - Name drugs, overview, side effects, dosage and concentration, indication and contraindications7. Veterinary medicine  - Name drugs and detailsThank you for downloading and using "Drug Dictionary Free”Remember to assess this application G + 1, Rate 5. Thank